Abs – Bicycle Crunch Exercise

Muscles / Areas targeted: Abs
- For this particular exercise you will begin in a position where your flat on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor like in the picture shown to the right. Your hands should be behind your head as well.
- You will begin by doing a simultaneous motion of moving your elbow to your knee. To preform this you will need to bring your left knee to your chest while straitening out your other leg for balance and twisting you’re your head to the left with your hands still behind your head until your right elbow is slightly past your knee.
- You will then proceed by just reversing the process of the previous step then do the same simultaneously steps of moving your knee to your chest and twisting your head so that your elbow is slight past your knee. Remember to keep the other leg straight as well.
- When doing this exercise you breathing should be in steady concise manner. Also the pace at which you do the exercise is one that is smooth and steady as well. Another thing to note is that your legs should never touch the ground.
- The main focus of this exercise is to improve core strength and burn fat. So keeping a tight core will help with the overall development this exercise does for your ab muscles.
- Try to do timed sets or 30 seconds in the beginning ranging from 1-3 sets with a minimal break in between sets.