Abs – Swiss Ball Knee Tuck

Swiss Ball Knee Tuck
Muscles / Areas targeted: Core
Items needed: Stability ball
1.) For this exercise you will need a stability ball; to start the work out you will be down on all fours on the ground with the the stability ball directly behind you.
2.) Next you will take both feet and position them side by side onto the middle of the stability ball, then proceed to make your body a plank as shown in the picture to the right.

3.) Keep your core as tight and contract both your upper and lower abs to move your knees forward to your chest while the stability ball rolls under your feet in a controlled motion. Remember to exhale as you preform this action for your breathing.

4.) Once you complete the previous motion, slowly move your knees back as you inhale so you can go back to the plank position from the earlier steps and complete the rep.

5.) Try to start off with 5-10 reps then increase over time.