Barbell Free Weight Deadlift

Muscles / Areas targeted: Hamstrings, lower back, quads, glutes
Items needed: bench press barbell, free weights
- For this exercise you will be standing with feet shoulder width apart in front of your barbell. Your feet should be midway under the barbell.
- A good starting weight that should be used on both ends of the barbell is 20 pounds.
- To start you will start by grasping the barbell a little bit past shoulder width apart with your knees bent as shown in the picture to the right.
- Begin to lift the bar up by only using your lower back and legs, your feet should never move either. While the bar is being lifted up you should thrust hips forward once your all the way up.
- Your arms should always be straight while you exhale as you go up. Once you have completed the previous steps your should look like the first picture in the upper right hand corner.
- Repeat the same motion going back down for multiple reps while inhaling as you go down. Remember the weight should not touch the ground when doing multiple reps. The weight should be about one inch away from the ground before going back up.
- Start with reps of 7-10 and increase weight to something more challenging over time.