Barbell Squat (Free weight)

Muscles / Areas targeted: Hamstrings, lower back, glutes, quads, core
Items needed: bench press barbell, free weights
- For this exercise, you will be standing with feet shoulder width apart with your barbell on your shoulders while keeping it in place with your hands.
- To start you will begin to slowly squat down in a focused controlled form where your back should not curve, keep your core tight and with the bar fixed with your grip on your shoulders while you inhale for your breathing.
- Some important things to note for this exercise is that you should always be looking straight in front of you. Don’t look at the ground nor up above you, just keep your head straight looking in front. Also keep your chest out somewhat when squatting and keep an arch in your lower back.
- While preforming this motion, make sure your core is tight at all times. Another thing to remember as well is when your thighs are parallel to the ground when squatting down is the lowest you should go for this exercise.
- Once the squat is complete slowly come back up in a controlled explosive motion as you exhale to your starting position.
- Now the squat is essentially somewhat of a full body workout some say but the majority of gains that you will achieve is in the major muscles of your legs and your core.
- When squatting for the first time you should start with just squatting the bar only with no weights to perfect your form. Having bad form when squatting can lead to a plethora of lower back pain issues.
- Once your form/technique is good begin to start squatting with lower weights such as 10lbs. Your rep range should be 7-10 reps with low weight and increase weight with experience.