Decline leg raises

Muscles / Areas targeted: Abs
Items needed: Decline/Adjustable bench
- For this exercise you will be laying on your back on a seated adjustable bench. Your bench should be at a 45 degree angle such as in the picture provided to the right.
- You will start the exercise by grabbing the latter end of the bench for support and begin to slowly raise your legs in the air. Your legs should be together at all times and you should be exhaling as you breath.
- While preforming this motion you should be bringing your legs all the way in front of you then complete the motion by lifting your core off the bench with your legs being raised into the air even more like the last picture on the right.
- Your shoulders should never lift up or leave the bench as this can cause pressure to the neck, so your shoulders are basically a type of support system in a sense so you don’t put too much pressure your neck.
- Now once that is complete slowly start to bring your core down, then your legs after that to complete the rep. Also remember to inhale during this segment of the workout
- Try to do at at least 5-10 reps when first starting this exercise for the first time.