Hip Thrust

Muscles / Areas targeted: Glutes and Hips
- To begin your starting position will be you laying on your back, arms flat on the ground and legs to your thighs with a little space in between as shown in the picture to the right.
- Next you will begin to bring your hips forward to the ceiling while you keep your feet and arms on the ground.
- While preforming this action you should be exhaling as your hips go up and once you bring the hips up you need to squeeze and hold your glutes for a count of 3 seconds.
- You should really focus on contracting and squeezing the glutes because this muscle is what will be getting the grunt of the work into making them stronger and bigger even though the hips are benefited from this exercise as well.
- Once you have performed the previous action you will proceed by lowering hips back down to the floor while inhaling to complete the rep.
- Your back should never be arched or curled when preforming this exercise and it should be perfect line from head to tailbone.
- Try to preform 7-10 reps for beginners then try to expand to 15-20 reps for the more advanced.