Nutrition Data
Kiwi, Raw
Serving Size: 1 cup (180g)
Calories: 110 kcal
- Total Fat:
- Saturated Fat: 0.05 g
- Monounsaturated Fat: 0.09 g
- Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.52 g
- Vitamins:
- Vitamin C: 166.90 mg
- Thiamin: 0.05 mg
- Riboflavin: 0.05 mg
- Niamin: 0.61 mg
- Vitamin B6: 0.11 mg
- Folate: 45 µg
- Vitamin A: 7 µg
- Vitamin E: 2.63 mg
- Vitamin K: 72.50 µg
- Minerals:
- Calcium: 61 mg
- Iron: 0.56 mg
- Magnesium: 31 mg
- Phosphorus: 61 mg
- Potassium: 562 mg
- Sodium: 5 mg
- Zinc: 0.25 mg
Seasonal Availability:

All around the world, there are more than 40 known varieties of kiwifruit. These include Hayward, Elmwood, Tewi, Vincent, Dexter, Abbott, Blake, Bruno, Monty, Gracie, Allison and Saanicheon. Some of these varieties produce a green fruit while others produce a yellow or orange fruit.

Nutritional Benefits
- Hair:
The kiwifruit is high in C, which can help maintain good hair health while also preventing hair loss. In fact, according to one study, a deficiency in this type of vitamin can indirectly cause telogenic baldness. Meanwhile, the same study also listed kiwifruit as one of the fruits that is a good source of vitamin C.
To use kiwifruit to stimulate hair growth, create a kiwifruit hair mask. Mix 50 ml fresh kiwifruit juice with 300 ml green tea decoction. Add in 5g salt. Combine well and massage around hair and scalp in a clockwise direction. For best results, use once a week for several months. - Skin:
Kiwifruit is naturally rich in powerful antioxidants that fight off free radicals and prevent wrinkles. Meanwhile, it’s potassium content also helps repair damaged skin tissues, speeding up healing in wounds.
To get the full benefit of kiwifruit for the skin, it helps to drink at least one glass of kiwi juice regularly. - Brain:
A recently published study found that consumption of kiwifruit can help alleviate learning deficiency developed due to lead exposure. Kiwi is rich in both vitamin C and polyphenols, giving it antioxidative properties that fight off cognitive effects of heavy metal exposure. - Memory:
The folate present in kiwifruit has been known to help reduce one’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s. - Energy:
The kiwifruit can be a significant source of energy. One research found that eating two pieces of kiwifruit daily provided more energy while bringing down fatigue levels. - Bones:
A single cup of kiwi contains approximately 89 percent of vitamin K that the body needs to maintain healthy bone. Vitamin K helps promote better calcium absorption, preventing osteoporosis. - Digestive System:
Kiwifruits contain non-digestible ogliosaccarides and fiber that relieve constipation. Eating two kiwifruits a day can improve digestive health. - Immune System:
Vitamins C, B12, B6 and K in kiwifruit help boost the immune system, thus preventing any sickness. - Sleep Routine:
- Kiwifruit contains a number of compounds, such as serotonin and other antioxidants, which can help treat sleep disorders. One study even found that consumption of kiwifruit helped increase total time of sleep and sleep efficiency. To improve sleep quality with kiwi, eating two kiwifuits one hour before bedtime is recommended.
Effect on Pregnant Women:
Pregnant women can enjoy kiwi sliced or as juice.

Effect Among Diabetics/High Blood Pressure and General Health
Kiwifruit has a low GI, meaning it will not rapidly release glucose in the bloodstream. Hence, it is safe for diabetics to eat.
Meanwhile, a study has found that eating three kiwifruits a day can significantly reduce blood pressure. This is reportedly because of the antioxidant lutein in kiwi that helps control blood pressure.
When to Avoid It?
Anyone with a kiwifruit allergy should avoid eating kiwi. Symptoms include swelling, rashes, vomiting and more.
Is It Safe for Babies and Children?
Since kiwifruit is highly allergenic, babies should not consume it until they are 10 to 12 months. It’s also best to consult with a pediatrician first.
Does It Help in Weight Loss?
Because kiwi is high in fiber and relatively low in calories, it makes for a good diet-friendly snack.
Does It Cause Weight Gain?
There is no evidence to suggest that eating kiwi can lead to weight gain because of its relatively lower calorie content when compared to junk food. However, when kiwifruit is mixed into fatty and sugary desserts, it can become part of a highly caloric meal.
General Tips
- Kiwifruit can keep for several days when left at room temperature. Meanwhile, it can last up to four weeks when kept in the refrigerator.
- Kiwifruit can be readily blended into juice. It can also be sliced and topped in salads, cereals and more.
- United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28:
- Availability of Kiwifruit:
- Nutrition of women with hair loss problem during the period of menopause:
- Kiwifruit For Hair Loss, Dry & Graying – Hair Care Remedies:
- 8 Amazing Benefits Of Kiwi Juice For Skin, Hair And Health:
- Did You Know? :
- Kiwifruit Alleviates Learning and Memory Deficits Induced by Pb through Antioxidation and Inhibition of Microglia Activation In Vitro and In Vivo:
- 7 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit:
- Kiwifruit daily can improve mood and energy:
- Do You Have a Kiwi Allergy? :
- Effect of kiwifruit consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems.:
- Got High Blood Pressure? Kiwi Fruit May Help:
- Why kiwifruit is a good choice for people with diabetes:
- When Can Baby Eat Kiwi? Learn About Kiwi for Baby Food Recipes: