Plank Row with Dumbells

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Muscles / Areas targeted: Lats, middle/ lower back, Abs, Triceps


  1. For this exercise you will be starting in a plank position with your arms completely straight and hands directly under your shoulders as shown in the picture to the right. Your back and legs should be straight as well.
  2. Your going to begin the exercise by bringing one dumbbell off the floor while keeping arm still close to your body. When preforming this exercise you should be keeping your core as tight as possible for stability and you should be exhaling as you breath on this part as well.
  3. Once you you’ve done everything in the previous step proceed by holding for a count and squeeze the shoulder blade once the dumbbell reaches the side of your torso.
  4. To complete the workout bring your arm back down while inhaling then proceed to do the previous steps for your other arm.
  5. This exercise is somewhat of an all body workout if you think about it loosely but the main muscles being used are abs, shoulders, different back muscles and triceps. So try to focus on keeping those areas tight for getting the most out of this workout.
  6. Try to start with doing 5 to 7 reps for each arm then gradually increase overtime.

