Squat to Front raise

Muscles / Areas targeted: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Buttocks, Anterior / Deltoid Shoulder muscles
- For this exercise you will begin in a standing position with your feet a little passed shoulder width apart.
- To start you will squat down by bending down keeping the chest up and out while arching your lower back as well your buttocks out then grab your ankle weight or kettle bell between your legs.
- While preforming this segment of the exercise focus on keeping core tight and exhaling for your breathing.
- Next continue to exhale as you proceed to squat up with your kettle bell or ankle weight in your hands and arms straight out.
- The key to the exercise is to keep your arms straight as you bring them up to your head a little bit above eye level in a controlled swinging motion upward all while keeping your arms straight out in front of you.
- As this is going on keep your core tight and thrust hips in an outward motion so you can go back to your standing position. Be sure not over thrust hips. Also once you reach the peak of your swing by stopping the motion a little bit above eye level your back should be straight as well.
- Finish the exercise by swinging arms downward in a controlled motion while you squat back to your previous position and inhaling as you breath, then the repeat the cycle to do multiple reps.
- Beginners should start with doing various reps from 5-7 and increase over time.